Outdoor Works Indoor Works/Objects Drawings Film/Sound Installation Improvisation Poetry Essays Statement Contact Solidarity Debt Democracy Synagonism Two essays on Art South as Exile a. Towards a Theory of Synagonism (PDF) b. Varieties of Agonism: Conflict, the Common Good, and the Need for Synagonism (PDF) c. The Liberty of the Moderns Compared to the Liberty of the Ancients (PDF) Nathalie Karagiannis Synagonism_Essays Outdoor Works Indoor Works/Objects Drawings Film/Sound Installation Improvisation Poetry Essays Statement Contact a. Towards a Theory of Synagonism (PDF) b. Varieties of Agonism: Conflict, the Common Good, and the Need for Synagonism (PDF) c. The Liberty of the Moderns Compared to the Liberty of the Ancients (PDF) MORE ESSAYS Solidarity Debt Democracy Synagonism Two essays on Art South as Exile